Help aims at making it easy for every user to purchase the coupon of his choice without any difficulties during his navigation time. On this page, we would like to clarify every question you may have. If nonetheless you still have any inquiry, please email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Furthermore, the topic of your inquiry will be added to the help page.

1) New offers update via our website




2) Coupon purchase




3.Α) Registering on purchase

After you buy your coupon, you will be directed to register/login page. If you do not have an account, you may create one using the form that appears.


3.Β) Log in via Facebook

If you own a Facebook account, you may login automatically by clicking on the Facebook icon. It is the easiest login method. No extra registration required.



3.C) Member login

If you already are a member of our webpage, you may use your user name and password to login. If cannot recall it, click on “Forgot your password?” and it will been sent to your inbox.




4) Selecting coupon quantity

While logged in, you will be directed to the “Checkout” page where you will be able to select the desired quantity of coupons, as well as the payment method.



5.Α) Selecting payment method – Paying at our shop

You may purchase the desired coupon and have it printed at our downtown Corfuland Shop, after you pay the corresponding amount (Corfuland Shop, opposite Hondos Center - Tel. 2661024744, opening hours Monday to Friday 09:00 – 15:00, Saturday 10:00 - 15:00.
Attention: You should get your printed coupon before the offer expires. All offers are active for a certain amount of time and coupons.


5.B) Selecting payment method – Bank deposit

You may buy the desired offer by a bank deposit in Piraeus Bank.

5.C) Selecting payment method – Redeeming points

Every time you introduce to a friend of yours and he/she proceeds at least once to a purchase, you earn points for your account. When you have earned enough points to purchase an offer, click on the corresponding choice and the coupon will be automatically added to your basket.


5.D) Selecting payment method – Paypal

Paypal is the easiest and most popular payment method worldwide. Ebay, the biggest auction site on the world, utilizes Paypal services. To purchase a coupon with Paypal, an existing Paypal account is required. When you choose this payment method you will be transferred to Paypal's secure environment. As soon as you have completed the transaction, you will be automatically re-directed to Your coupon will be in your basket.