is the most innovative site for travelers in Corfu Island by In you can find the best offers that go as high as 70% off the initial price, and enjoy the real Corfiot deal!
Dimitris, Elina, Aris, Christiana, Alexandra, Dimitris are the people that run behind the scenes for over 13 years, ensuring that you can get the best offers and enjoy the magic of Corfu island in uniquely affordable prices.
After 13 years of successful presence in the Corfiot Internet landscape, our main website has reached 70.000th position on (see here), about 1.000.000 page-views and almost 80.000 visitors per month (according to Google analytics) and almost 30.000 likes on Facebook. As you can imagine, we are in place to handpick and provide to you quality offers from the most successful businesses that operate in Corfu.
Our presence is not confined in the digital domain of Corfu, you can also find us in our Corfuland Shop that is located at 2, Albert Cohen Str. (opposite Hondos Center) or call 2661024744.
Come and meet us in person! We want to know you better, and give you generously advice about the best and foremost quality driven businesses in Corfu! You can also purchase deals with cash if credit card is not your preferred way of payment!